England Premier League AI Prediction

England Premier League AI Prediction

-Football AI Predictions- England Premier League Week11

Using the original soccer result prediction software -Football AI Predictions-, we predicted the results of home wins, ...
England Premier League AI Prediction

-Football AI Predictions- England Premier League Week10

Using the original soccer result prediction software -Football AI Predictions-, we predicted the results of home wins, ...
England Premier League AI Prediction

-Football AI Predictions- England Premier League Week9

Using the original soccer result prediction software -Football AI Predictions-, we predicted the results of home wins, ...
England Premier League AI Prediction

【驚愕の70%】J1 30節/J2 第37節 Football AI Predictions 予想結果

J1 第30節/J2 第37節のFootball AI Predictions 予想結果です。(9/20延期となった熊本-岩手の結果を反映) 今節に変更したモデルの成果かどうかは数をこなしてみないと何とも言えませんが、引き分けがJ1...
England Premier League AI Prediction

-Football AI Predictions- England Premier League Week8

Using the original soccer result prediction software -Football AI Predictions-, we predicted the results of home wins, ...
England Premier League AI Prediction

J1 第28節/J2 第34節 Football AI Predictions 予想結果 ★40%目前★

J1 第28節/J2 第34節のFootball AI Predictions 予想結果です。 好調のJ2と失意のJ1ですね・・・・次節からはモデルを分けて比較しようと思うのと、直近5試合の自チームのデータだけでは難しいところも出て...
England Premier League AI Prediction

-Football AI Predictions- England Premier League Week6

Using the original soccer result prediction software -Football AI Predictions-, we predicted the results of home wins, ...